John’s picks:

  1. Notification bot:
    1. Clear winner: [AN2] tBTC monitor (Anup Sv: [email protected]) - $1,500
      1. Reasons this is best submission: Anup not only created a bot that notifies when tBTC smart contract has activity, it also monitors DAO proposals. Further, his demo video clearly shows how it works, and he even came to our booth twice, to demo for Ben and then John (since the buidl organization was so poor and Nico and I couldn’t find him when we went around to try and judge each submission)
      2. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/tbtc-monitor
      3. Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ckO3dnpWhY&t=5s
      4. Github repo: https://github.com/anupsv/tBTC-bot
      5. Buidler page: https://app.buidlbox.io/ethdenver/ethdenver-2023/projects/tbtc-monitor
    2. [R9] - Trustless Discord Push
      1. Drawbacks: demo isn’t narrated, and I can’t see whether they are calling our contract or demo is of someone else’s; demo link requests access to my discord account, and I’m not comfortable with that; I also requested access to Google Doc link
      2. This is a plus: “AragonOSx and Threshold tBTC contracts are supported, along with USDC and USDT ERC-20 transaction listening for demo purposes.” Also, if one of us spends some time trying this out, it could be that there are cool features we want to use/reward. I will try Thursday night, but have a lot of other urgent priorities for MG, TG & Council.
      3. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/ethdenver/ethdenver-2023/projects/zkadtech
      4. Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP_RIaBj3qU
      5. Github: https://github.com/Pyxelchain/blocknotify.net
    3. Disqualified? (not built for tBTC, first commit a week before hack started, appears to be a company (”Copyright (c) 2023-present PyxelChain Technology Corp.”): [A3] - BlockNotify
      1. Drawbacks: makes no mention of tBTC and appears to be a generic notifier (presumably they submitted to other bounties); video says at 1:30 that it monitors only USDC transfers from a specific address
      2. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/blocknotify
      3. Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCqO_K9JdWY&t=12s
      4. App page: https://blocknotify.net
      5. Github repo: https://github.com/Pyxelchain/blocknotify.net
    4. Disqualified (no submission): https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/fuzzy-duck
  2. Naming CBD
    1. Clear winner: [R5] - Threshold ([email protected], [email protected]) - $1,000

      1. Reasons this is best submission: this father/daughter team clearly put several days worth of work into these bounties (including watching Arj’s video and digesting it), provided 4 names and rationales plus 2 alternates, followed our request to describe their ideation & research process, did a very thorough job and also presented very clearly in live demo for Nico and me
      2. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/ethdenver/ethdenver-2023/projects/cbd-name
      3. Notion page with bounty submissions (this and Content), including link to naming detail: https://ink-feet-f35.notion.site/Threshold-s-Products-Technology-efa656ab0fbf4978b595f33300cfa956
      4. Page with naming content, rationale, etc.: https://ink-feet-f35.notion.site/Naming-the-Conditions-Based-Decryption-Product-8649bfca3b3f480aa04a5a0ed70b04cd
    2. Runner up: [AN3] - Threshold Name (Albert, [email protected])

      1. Reason: this team did submit one name and gave a short explanation, but not nearly as detailed or thoughtful as R5 above
      2. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/threshold-name
      3. Full submission is here:

      “Name: Hadron

      Rationale: In particle physics, a hadron is a composite subatomic particle made of two or more quarks held together by the strong force. Similarly, threshold cbd service is a composite, consisting of a splitting a joint secret(the decryption ey) into multiple shares(quarks) that are held together by encryption(the strong force). Additionally, the word hadron isn't being used by many projects or domains. Finally, it sounds cool and is easy to say, as well as being easy to spell for non-native english speakers.”

    3. Disqualified: did not submit

      1. project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/ethdenver/ethdenver-2023/projects/threshold-bounties
  3. Content
    1. Winner: [R5] - Threshold ([email protected], [email protected]) - $1,000
      1. Reasons this is best submission: in addition to putting in a lot of time to understand Threshold and tBTC (including speaking to us at our booth and reading all our documentation, beginning with v1), they wrote a piece of content, “A Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin-to-Ethereum Bridges”.
      2. Content detail page: https://ink-feet-f35.notion.site/Content-Piece-Ethereum-to-Bitcoin-Bridges-for-Beginners-93721c72a87c44a5a1de23a9e7952f47
      3. Project page: https://ink-feet-f35.notion.site/Threshold-s-Products-Technology-efa656ab0fbf4978b595f33300cfa956
    2. Runner up (Dr. Adaku: [email protected], [email protected]) - $500 in T (not via ETH Denver; sent directly)
      1. Dr Adaku put in some good work and has excellent enthusiasm; she even joined a MGC meeting a few weeks ago. We specified “$1,000 for each winning submission (up to 5 winners)”. I don’t think this submission is worthy of $1,000, but I’d recommend we send her $100 in T for her effort.
      2. Drawbacks:”eTherapy by hairgoals: wellness dApp built on Lens” isn’t really about Threshold/tBTC
      3. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/ethdenver/ethdenver-2023/projects/hairgoals-etherapy
      4. Detail page: https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/hairgoals-etherapy
      5. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq6kb5Canbk
      6. Blog post related to tBTC: https://www.hairgoals.co.uk/financial-wellbeing-with-threshold-network-tbtc/
    3. [AN4] - ThresholdTwitter (Albert, [email protected])
      1. Feedback: this entry didn’t put much effort in (he also requested a meeting with me, I stayed up till 11pm and he didn’t show up; then he came by the booth and I later realized it was the same guy) and had serious errors in his tweet (which he mostly corrected based on my feedback)
      2. Project page: https://app.buidlbox.io/projects/thresholdtwitter
      3. Submission is a twitter thread: https://twitter.com/ParadigmEng420/status/1632329161099591680
    4. Disqualified: no submission

nicos picks:

  1. Notification Bot A Winner AN2: I confirm Johns sentiments on this team. B. I agree this submission think the effort and participation of the group are a drawback. At the very least they could have reached out to us, but to use the submission form as a method of gleaning our log ins is at best counter-decentralization and counter- crustless. At worst the may actually use this entry for malicious purpose. C. I had a chance to visit this group and agree with John, they are a professional group, I didn’t even realize they had ha head start on writing the project- which immediately disqualifies them. I originally scored them high for their creativity and professionalism in presenting - but this is a hackathon and not a symposium so I put them in last place.

  2. Naming CBD: R5 Threshold was by far my favorite entry in this category, and the best overall entry of any category. This father Daughter team drove to ETH Denver from Canada. The Daughter is very involved in Web3, aware of early and prominent NFT projects, and has a dedicate approach to understanding Web3 content. They had a focused presentation and hit all the marks I seek in justifying research methodology. They took time to review our marketing materials, making sure they understood the product and project, and even identified the differences between tBTC V1 and V2. They were onsite well beyond the ETH Denver presentation timeframe which added a lot of participation “posts” to my score. B. I think the first team demonstrated how much can be accomplished, it really put the other entry in a far second place.

  3. Content:  Winner R5 Threshold $1000 Runner Up Dr Adaku $500 to $750 - I think there is benefit in awarding Dr Adaku because she has expressed interest in contributing to the DAO. She also may act as a gateway to additional international communities. Additionally she has a strong understanding and following of Lens and Shaver. These are up and coming social networks and I believe an alternate to Twitter. I have a hard time following the protocol and I think it is a good idea to encourage a liaison to join our DAO. Dr Adaku may in fact be this liaison.


Bounty #1: CONTENT