This is a private workspace for ongoing MG budget requests.

Q3 2022 Budget Request:

MG Budget Request

Executive Summary

The MG multi-sig still holds ~89,000 USD (67,701 USDC, 9.812 Eth, 238,959 T) from our previous budget.

Of our current balance, we will need to continue to cover additional hours worked by John Packel between Nov 20th-Dec 31, as well as a currently approved budget of $32,500 for EthDenver



The TMG is requesting discretionary funding of $ **(**for a total of ) from the Threshold Treasury for the remainder of Q4 2022 and Q1-2 2023.

New holdings would equal approximately ~$?. This discretionary budget will be primarily used for:

Marketing Guild Goals / Missions

The goal of the Marketing Guild is to support the launch of the following Threshold flagship products (as well as future products) through means of marketing, educating, etc