- Spanish - English: @JCELENA aka. JC
- French - English: @JCELENA aka. JC
- Korean - English: @JCELENA aka. JC (sub-contractor)
- Chinese - English: @JCELENA aka. JC (sub contractor)
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Threshold Blog
Threshold Blog Articles
Guidelines to Upload Translated Contents to the Threshold Blog
- Create a New Post
- Introduce translated contents and the image(s) in the original blog post in english
- Go to Post Settings and introduce the usual configurations (post URL, publish date, excerpt, etc.)
- In Post Settings add two tags to the blog post:
- #noindex
- #spanish or #frech or #korean or #chinese (when we have this language), i.e. # + language of the blog post
- Publish normally + verify that the contents are correctly displayed. By default, english posts are in the main page, and translated contents reside in the following URLs:
URLs for Translated Contents: