H1-2023 Overview Report

Project Overview

Threshold USD is a decentralized stablecoin project, derived from a Liquity protocol. It offers participants the ability to mint thUSD, a USD soft-pegged decentralized stablecoin, guaranteed by either ETH or tBTC, maintaining a collateral ratio of no less than 110%.

The methodology applied by the protocol is known as Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) to fuel the stability pool, wherein the PCV possesses liquidity and routes capital straight to the stability pool, thus forming a self-replenishing feedback cycle. While Liquity Protocol relies on the LQTY token to promote the expansion of the stability reserve, thUSD adopts an alternative strategy, leveraging the PCV with the bootstrap loan to fuel the stability pool, thus bypassing the necessity for the LQTY token entirely.

This paves the way for a more sustainable model where revenues can be channeled to PCV, facilitating lasting growth and equilibrium. Bonuses are dispensed to reserves on disparate platforms to stimulate users to incur debt and deposit into Curve, fostering increased liquidity and resilience.

Development Overview

An overview of the project development process, the team involved in the development, and the technologies used.

Review of ThresholdUSD project development - H1.2023:


Support of multiple wallets and networks

PR: https://github.com/Threshold-USD/dev/pull/83

Closes issue #66 Closes issue #84 Closes issue #85

Only owner requirement to setPrice function in pricefeedtestnet

Commit: https://github.com/Threshold-USD/dev/pull/36