Beau and one of his famous whiteboards:


We have three roles (Author, Reviewer, Gatekeeper) for content We have three categories for content (Low Stakes, Medium Stakes, High Stakes)

Each category has different review requirements and different agency:

Low Stakes: This is stuff like tweets or discord announcments. The Author creates the content, and then has full agency to immediately ship it. Then, the author desginates a Reviewer to look over the content and give feedback so that future Low Stakes content is better.

Medium Stakes: This is stuff like blog posts and documentation. The Author creates the content, and then designates a Reviewer to look over the content and provide feedback. The Reviewer (not the Author) has agency to ship. The Reviewer and Author go back and forth through the review process until the Reviewer deems the content is ready and then the Reviewer can ship it.

High Stakes: This is stuff like new product announcements, large partnership announcements, roadmap posts, etc. Follow the process like in Medium Stakes, but rather than the Reviewer having agency to ship, instead they designate and send it off to the Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper is mostly looking to make sure that the Reviewer did their job, but also do a light pass on the content itself. If something is wrong with the review, the Gatekeeper hands it back to the Reviewer. If something is wrong with the content, they hand it back to the Author.

Critical to this is making this cross-team and visible.