The following will provide a step-by-step guide on how to decrease Threshold application stake authorizations

Step 1: Threshold Dashboard

Go to the Threshold Dashboard and connect your staking provider wallet.

Click on ‘Staking’ (Padlock) in the navigation menu on the left, the click on ‘Staking’ next to “How it works”


Step 2: Stake Management

Then the “Your Stake” will be displayed.

2_stake_overview - Copy.jpg

Step 3: Configure Apps

Click ‘Configure Apps

3_your_stake - Copy.jpg

Step 4: Authorize Applications

The ‘Authorize Applications’ card will load. This card shows the amount of T authorized for each application.

4_applications_auth - Copy.jpg

Step 5: Decrease Authorization

To decrease the amount of T authorized per application, click on the respective ‘Decrease’ button next to the specific application.

<aside> 🚨 Each application can be configured independently, which means an authorization decrease must be performed for each application independently.


<aside> ⚠️ tBTC and Random Beacon are bundled and T authorized for each should be the same.
